Thursday, September 12, 2013

Commander League Week 2 + Week 3 Updates!

Hey War Torn Front faithful! I am back and here with updates for War Torn Front's Commander League Week's 2 and early Week 3 results. This week has been pretty hectic, but I hope to be back on schedule with updates including new articles by this Weekend! Anyway onto the League results.

Currently, there are 21 players registered in War Torn Front's Commander League and the top dogs have started to rear their heads. Starting in week 4, I plan to talk and get deck lists with the top 4 players in the League. So stay tuned!

1st Place: Zachary Williams 32 points
2nd Place: Chris Feliciano 29 points
3rd Place: Alfredo Rincon 26 points
4th Place: Troy Reinhardt 24 points
5th Place: Brittany Davis 14 points
6th Place: Kordell Darling 12 points
                Tyler Schafer 12 points
                Kendall Darling 12 points
9th Place: Blaine Whitten: 11 points
10th Place: Brandon Coon: 9 points
11th Place: Tyler Clary: 8 points
12th Place: Nate Polson 7 points
                 Matt Woods 7 points
14th Place: Tim Mason 6 points
                  Tommy Levescy 6 points
                  Brett Chilcott 6 points
17th Place: Joe Moreira 3 points
                  Rodney Bastelman 3 points
                  Donald Joseph 3 points
                  Matt Ferguson 3 points
                  Israel Jacobo 3 points

Further updates will come in towards Saturday Night! Please stay tuned and come battle for the Commander League!

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