Just like a Den Protector flipping face up to return Deathmist Raptor, the War Torn Front blog is coming back from the grave to give you a injection of Magic, Retro Video Gaming, D&D, Weiss, Force of Will, and Board Gaming news from our humble shop.
Welcome back to the new monthly War Torn Front blog. These posts will serve as a way to inform players about the monthly events going on in one of your favorite gaming shops here in the Central Valley. The month of May has several good events coming up, so lets dive right into the action.
Aside from our normal schedule of events which can be found on our website, or Facebook, We have been cooking up several unique events for Magic players to enjoy.
This past weekend we played host to a Grand Prix Trial for Las Vegas. This event was the start of a monthly series of Modern Constructed cash tournaments. We have heard the news that players want to play the Modern format, so we are delivering. Each month we will offer a Modern Cash event on a Saturday afternoon. This is your chance to enjoy a more competitive scene with an amazing Eternal format and walking away with some cold, hard cash for your troubles. Our next Modern Tournament is scheduled for June 13th. This event will be a Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier for Pro Tour 2016. Details for this event will be posted within the next two weeks. Watch our website for details. Speaking of Modern...
May 22nd-24th is the release of Modern Masters 2015. This set promises some powerful reprints for the Modern format. War Torn Front will have product available for this release. We are currently taking preorders for Modern Masters 2015 boxes at $224.99 for one box with subsequent boxes being priced at $239.99. These boxes will contain 24 packs of Modern Masters 2015, the perfect amount to host an 8 man draft.
We will also be hosting on-demand drafts for this set that same weekend. These drafts are $40 with a prize payout of 4 packs to first, 3 packs to second, and 2 packs to third and fourth place.
For those of you familiar with our infinite drafts, we will also be supporting a Modern Masters 2015 draft. The buy in for these drafts is $50 with the same prize support as our normal Modern Masters 2015 draft, in addition, first and second place have the option of returning three of their packs back to the prize pool and getting another Modern Masters 2015 draft free.
For those of you who already have infinite drafts from Dragons of Tarkir, you may trade 3 banked infinite drafts for a token for a free infinite Modern Masters 2015 draft. This offer is only available during Modern Masters 2015 release weekend.
Plenty of Magic events this month as we lead into Grand Prix Las Vegas and #MakeMagicHistory here at War Torn Front. We hope to see many of you players here in the store
Weiss Schwarz
Weiss has become a fixture here in store as we offer both a Wednesday and Saturday event for Weiss players. However, we want to offer something more for these players as well.
Starting this month, May 16th, and continuing each month, War Torn Front will be offering a monthly Weiss Win a Box Saturday. From store opening till we close, we will be firing on demand Win a Box events for Weiss players. These events require minimum of 8 players, and will fire as soon as 8 players are signed in.
This month also marks the release on Kan Colle for Weiss Schwarz. May 15th, War Torn Front will have copies of the trial deck and boosters for this new set. So make sure you stop by and pick up this new addition to Weiss.
Force of Will
Force of Will recently came to our humble little shop and has taken off. The game is compelling and fun like Magic, with less mana issues. Last month was the release of The Moon Priestess Returns, the final set in the Grimm Cluster block. While there are no new sets releasing this month, it does not mean War Torn Front has no plans for Force this month.
Starting May 9th, and one Saturday each month, War Torn Front will be hosting a Force of Will Win-a-Box tournament. We want to help foster a competitive crowd for this game and no better way than to give the players some new product to help strengthen their decks. Details for this event can be found on our website or Facebook.
Dungeons and Dragons/Tabletop Gaming
D&D Fifth Edition has been doing extremely well here at the shop. We are currently holding two days for D&D play: Wednesday nights 7 PM- 9:30 PM and Every other Sunday starting at 12 PM-4 PM. We are currently in the middle of the Elemental Evil storyline, but it is still not too late to join all the fun. Simply inquire with the store staff and we can get you set up with our esteemed DMs. We are also currently looking for more DMs to assist in setting up more tables for Wednesday play. If interested, please contact the store via phone, or Facebook.
Pathfinder Society is actively looking for new members to join the ranks. They are currently scheduled for the first, and third Saturdays of the month. If interested in getting some Pathfindering on, please contact the store staff and we will help get you connected to our Coordinator for Pathfinder Society.
Video Gaming
War Torn Front has plans involving some popular Nintendo characters and smashing them together. Check back in the next few weeks as we unveil some news regarding Super Smash Bros 4.
Thats all the news we have for the month of May, War Torn Front faithful. We would like to hear your feedback on what things you would like to see more of in these blog posts. Feel free to leave comments below or respond to the Facebook posts. Enjoy the beginning of the summer here with War Torn Front.
War Torn Front, Play to Win!
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